Deer Creek  - New Bedford U.P. Church

The Deer Creek Congregation organized in 1808 north of the Village of New Bedford.  A platform and canopy was located in the area of the cemetery.  A frame building was constructed across the street from the cemetery on the side of Clingan's Tanglewood Golf Course.  After a fire destroyed the building, the congregation built west of town, "up the hill", from Hopewell at the "Y".   Deer Creek joined the United Presbyterian and became known as  New Bedford U.P. Church.  Congregations of New Bedford U.P. Church and Hopewell outgrew their buildings, a merger took place forming New Bedford Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Communion Token

Communion Tokens were issued at a Preparatory Service held the Saturday before the Communion Sunday.  Attending the Preparatory Service along with a review by Session was required to obtain the token.  The token would be exchanged on Communion Sunday.

Tokens were used to "Fence the Table of the Lord."  Session, out of reverence and concern, did what they could to keep people from "partaking in an unworthy manner" "eat and drink judgement upon himself"  -1 Corinthians 11:27-29